Wednesday, September 16, 2009

God goes with Ice Cream

I had a great time at youth group tonight! I really do like it there, everyone is so welcoming and I like being able to remove myself from school and really focus on God. Before we got started with the message there was a relay race lol in giant underwear!

Here are my notes from the topic tonight:

Crazy Love
~ The world sees two types of people; the followers of Christ - those who live radically for Christ and the Christians - you are saved and will go to Heaven but you don't really have to change much
~ Is there such a thing as a Luke-warm Christian?
Luke-warm: going through the motions ("church") but no sacrifice

There is still always going to be sin but you always get back on the horse
We don't need to be perfect. That's been covered!
~ If Christianity was all about perfection then it wouldn't even be
Solutions for the Luke-warm Christian:
The answer is NOT try harder it is to fall madly in love with God!
"It all comes down to a heart issue." D.T. ;)

You should want to change and be noticeably different
To be a true follower of Christ it is a lifestyle *Like running up the down escalator*
Sometimes we have to go against the grain in order to see a difference

Nothing in this life will matter unless it's about loving God and others
-They will know we are Christians by our LOVE

On my way home everything just felt so peacefully great that the Dairy Queen I pass on my way home was totally calling to me so I just had to stop. They're having this special that has oreos and cookie dough all in one! So thats exactly what I had to get. And to make it better they don't scrape the top off, the guy gave it to me with inches of ice cream sticking out the top!


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