Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Be: Intentional

Q: Think of one challenge in your life right now. Where are your thoughts about it taking you? Are you headed for a train wreck?
A: To be completely honest I'm really still struggling with breaking up with Stephen. Thoughts keep flooding my mind that I'll be alone forever, did I just make the biggest mistake of my life, how could there be anyone as amazing as he is, many things that bog down my everyday. Leaning on God's strength is so key right now and I'm having the hardest time. God always seems so far away but I know He isn't, I just have to be the one to seek Him. I'm sure this is one of those life lesson type things because I have the hardest time opening up to people. Why I can't seem to communicate with God I don't understand. I mean He already knows everything, why do I need to tell Him about it? Please pray for me as I head to college and will need to lean on Him even more.

Q: Can you think of any "platforms" you need to stay away from, as there always seems to be trains passing by that are headed in the wrong direction?
A: The biggest one right now is one I mentioned above. Will I be alone forever? No. God has everything planned out in His good and perfect will. I just need patience to wait and see what that is.

Q: List three things that help you choose the right trains of thought.
A: 1 - My mom. She always is able to see farther down the road than I can. I guess that's just her gift as a parent.
2 - Riding. The barn is my slice of perfection. Heaven on earth. The air I breathe. It is everything to me and every time I go up there my priorities are realigned. Thank God for horses!
3 - Dreams. I am a dreamer. I imagine everything in a perfect world and strive to live there. And in troubling times focusing on that helps me stay on the path I always want to stay on.

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