Monday, July 20, 2009

Be: Genuine

It has been a long drive to Bend, OR so I've been able to do a lot of reading. I mostly read God's Road Map for Grads that I got for graduation from Mom's In Touch. It's pretty good and it really applies to what I am going through. After a while though I got bored and decided to read one of my devotions.

Be: Genuine from the book Stop Acting Like a Christian Just Be One by Christine Caine

Q: Do you think it's possible to love God and not love other people?
A: I do not. If you truly love God then you want to be like him and loving others is one of the simplest things we can do.

Q: Why is loving God the beginning and not the end of our Christianity if it is the "greatest commandment"?
A: I don't even know how it could be the end of Christianity. Like I said above loving others is just a small step to becoming Christ-like.

Q: Can you live a life filled with Christian "works" and still not be an authentic Christian? Why or why not?
A: Of course. Actually I would guess that is the way the majority of Christians live their life. It is sad to say but not all Christians search out God and have the desire to continuously grow in Him. We all, myself included, need to be aware of where we are with that and challenge ourselves to strive for more.

Q: Can you be an authentic Christian while neglecting the work Christ has called you to do? Why or why not?
A: No. To fully "be" a Christian you would want to be doing the things God has called you to do. He wants you to use your talents and abilities for His glory. But most importantly of all we should want to.

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