Thursday, July 9, 2009

Be: Brainwashed

Q: Is there an area in your life in which you need to renew, or 'wash' your mind with the Word of God?
A: Right now I just really feel like I need God to be the super center of all my thoughts and actions. If I am to live a healthy and honoring life for Him good habits need to start now.

Q: Can you identify and areas in your life in which you changed your behavior but not the way you thought about your behavior? If so, did you find that you eventually relapsed?
A: I think for me I've tried to do the same things about what I eat or how I look but that's just way too tiring. I'd rather be me and be happy with that.

Q: Can you identify thoughts you have about yourself or others that are contrary to God's thoughts?
A: Of Course! I am a teen-age girl. There are always those times where I feel ugly and fat and all those things and when I am envious of someone else for the silliest reasons. I think being able to move past that is a part of growing up. So I will try to keep what God wants me to think in my mind more than what the world wants me to think.

Q: What can you start to do today to begin to renew your mind?
A: Spend time in God's word. Yeah I know thats a Sunday school answer but I really do believe it and want to do that.

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