Monday, January 4, 2010


I've never really done New Years resolutions before so I thought I would give it a try this year. Most resolutions are given up on all too quickly and I can't say that I'll do any better. Hopefully I am able to work them into my routine and then they just become habit. Of course I have a list of things so here we go:

1. Learn to play the guitar. I have one but its just collecting dust, and every time someone plays one I'm so super bummed that I can't. I know this will be a hard and frustrating because I wish I could just pick it up and play with the best of them. But I know that will never be the case :/. So I really want to put in the real effort to learn.

2. Work out. I'm no couch potato but I do need to get moving more. Riding is a great strength work out but I need to something more. I'm just never motivated to go out to the gym, I don't know what I'm doing there and I don't do well by myself. I need to find some kind of class or a dedicated buddy.

3. Know my Bible. I've read a lot of books (shhh!) about applying what it talks about but I haven't really studied it itself to know it inside and out. I want it to be that when a verse pops into my head that I don't have to google it. To say that I'll read it every day is a unreasonable thing to say right now but I definitely want to work up to that.

I think that's it, but I would say it is pretty ambitious as it is. I really hope that I am able to make a dent in my goals over the next year.

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